textual retrieval

英 [ˈtekstʃuəl rɪˈtriːvl] 美 [ˈtekstʃuəl rɪˈtriːvl]

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  1. So we use textual CBR ( a embranchment of CBR) to build case retrieval and learning module.
  2. With the mechanism of textual entailment, the performance of various natural language processing tasks will be improved, including information extraction, information retrieval, document summarization, question answering and text-to-scene conversion system.
  3. Dividing the case base or cases into different granularity whit different size, to improve the speed and efficiency of dividing the quotient space for user textual case and the retrieval accuracy, and reduce the retrieval time-consuming.
  4. Content-based image retrieval ( CBIR) is a hotspot of image retrieval at computer filed. It is different from traditional textual retrieval.
  5. Improving the efficiency of Recognizing Textual Entailment plays an important role in Information Retrieval, Information Extraction, Question Answering and Summarization.
  6. The main purpose that introduces the granularity thinking of human beings in the textual case retrieval is to reduce the computational complexity, get better retrieval efficiency, and improve the retrieval speed.
  7. The paper describes the problem of textual case based retrieval with quotient space theory, and divides the processes of textual case base retrieval in to dividing the quotient space for user text case and searching.
  8. Efficient technology of image retrieval can greatly help people obtain entertainment on Internet and enhance the quality of lives. Nowadays, textual retrieval performs well.